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If you weren't convinced by anything Humble Store are currently offering in their Halloween sale, take a look over on the DRM-free store GOG with their big Halloween sale now on.
Prepare for Halloween with some new games? It's not like you're able to go out much with the COVID19 disease still raging on so staying in and playing games sound great to me.
Ready to fill your Steam Library full of awesome games once again or perhaps try out a demo or two? You might want to pull up a seat to the digital table then, as the Steam Digital Tabletop Fest is now live.
Paradox Interactive are celebrating the 20th anniversary of the Europa Universalis series so they're giving away Europa Universalis II and putting a bunch of other games on sale.
Omen Exitio: Plague appears to be a title we've never even mentioned here on GOL which is surprising as it looks great, it supports Linux and users enjoy it.
With the Steam Digital Tabletop Fest coming up between October 21st through 26th, Valve have now put up the schedule so you can make space for some fun events.
Get ready to by an armchair general once again, as Hearts of Iron IV: Battle for the Bosporus is out now for Paradox Development Studio's best-selling strategy wargame about World War II.
SEGA are having a big celebration this weekend, as it's their 60th anniversary so you can grab Sonic The Hedgehog 2 free to keep forever. Plus plenty more on sale.
Paradox are set to return to my favourite grand strategy game, with the announcement of a brand new DLC coming to Stellaris with the Stellaris: Necroids Species Pack.
Golden Krone Hotel is an approachable, easy to understand and thoroughly underrated roguelike that you should check out. Especially now, with a big update out that overhauls lots.
Two Point Studios and SEGA are celebrating it coming up for two years since Two Point Hospital released, so it's on a pretty big discount and a free weekend so you can try it for a few days.
Application Systems Heidelberg have confirmed they have multiple games coming to Linux, and with Gamescom in full swing you can try out some of their demos. Here's a nice round-up of what's coming for you.
Developer Matthew Brown has crafted a set of brilliant puzzle games with the Hexcells series and it seems they're not entirely finished with them years after release.
Tiny Teams Festival, a little sale and event page went live on Steam recently to showcase a bunch of micro-teams and their games and there's a few fun picks there.